Največja študija dvojčkov doslej: pri avtizmu je vpliv okoljskih faktorjev pomembnejši od genov

Ena najpomembnejših študij zadnjih dveh desetletij, ki bi morala vplivati na tok denarja, namenjenega raziskavam avtizma, saj se ga je že precej preveč zmetalo proč za neuspešne genske raziskave, le neznaten delež pa ga je bilo namenjenega za raziskovanje vplivov okoljskih faktorjev…
Ali se bomo zdaj končno bolj resno posvetili okoljskim faktorjem??? 
Science Daily (July 4, 2011) — After evaluating twin pairs in which at least one child has autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), researchers suggest that the shared environment may play a more substantial role in development of the condition than shared genes do, according to a report published Online First by Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. 
Medical News Today (July 5, 2011) – The largest and most rigorous twin study of its kind to date has found that shared environment influences susceptibility to autism more than previously thought. The study, supported by the National Institutes of Health, found that shared environmental factors – experiences and exposures common to both twin individuals – accounted for 55 percent of strict autism and 58 percent of more broadly defined autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Genetic heritability accounted for 37 percent of autism and 38 percent of ASD.